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Interactive Role of Education on Society

Influence of Education on Society

Education plays a very important role in moulding the character of an individual. It is one of the concrete sources from which one get information and knowledge. It affects the society. We can make sense of its effective role from the following points.
(1)  Preservation and transmission of our social, moral and cultural values

In education, through curriculum, students will be acquainted with social, moral and cultural values and teachers make them familiar with values and ideal through different activities, games, story-telling etc. Education makes them familiar with constitution, rules and regulations of citizens and so on. As we find in NPE 1986 major objectives to produce a productive citizen has been fulfilled by education so education preserves our values and it make others to imbibe those values.

(2)  Awakening of social feelings

Through education individuals become aware about the importance of unity, love, fraternity and other values. Education makes all people get awakened of being a part of society and how they can contribute the world as society. People know different values and life skills and thus develop concern for society including social mindedness, values, life skills, learning to do, learning to know, learning to live together via different activities, story- telling, dramatization etc.
(3)  Political development of society

Education makes all aware about rights and duties of all, which are their responsibilities and duties so that they can develop their civic sense. Through different lesson of political leaders and stories education develop ideal leadership quality so that in future citizens can lead the state as a society.

(4)  Economic development of society

Education develops skill in individual and makes him a productive citizen. Through education every one learns how to earn money as per their qualification he gets job or labor and on the whole with the help of education more or less everyone get work and earn money so due to increasing literacy per capita income will increase. As we find government take help in the form of tax and thus our economy develops. Because of education people migrate to other countries and their earning helps to develop society and country. Thus education affects the economic development of society.

(5)  Social control

Education makes all aware about customs and duties the same as it makes aware about the rules and regulations. People learn how to preserve their lives via education. They make them familiar with crimes. Thus education provides a guideline and it controls al society.

(6)  Social changes and reforms
Education makes individual perfect and aware about the rights. So can claim against dwelled superstitions, beliefs which are harmful for them. Through education everyone learns hoe to inculcate values and ideals in their lives. So they can appeal in court for feeling injustice. Education makes all aware of how to live peacefully and how to face difficulties in their lives. They become aware about proverbs like ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’. So they develop their risk taking attitudes via education.

(7)  Socialization of a child

Education trains the mind of a child and it teaches him how to inculcate values in his life. It makes the child understand what is society, how he is a part of society, what are his roles in society, how he should behave, how he should interact with others etc. Education helps him to understand who is he? And it develops a sense of a social being in him. Thus, education produces productive citizen. It helps everyone to flourish and makes them ideal citizens of society. To sum up, Education influences the society.



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